Art & Culture

The Cultural Goodwill Group of World Peace and Love, Peace Angels, Visited Budapest, Hungary


“Conscience” Sweeps Prague as FOWPAL Visits the Czech presidential palace

The statue of the first president stands outside the Czech presidential palace.

The FOWPAL Cultural Goodwill Delegation Flash Mob at Schloss Belvedere in Austria

Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Austria.

35 Countries Light Up "Flame of Peace," Making Vienna an International City of Peace

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Peace promoters from 35 nations gather in Vienna to light up the Flame of Peace.

FOWPAL visits historically significant World War II sites

Stopping conflicts, promoting goodness, and ending war

On October 2, president of FOWPAL, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze met Maciej Orłoś, a well-known Polish media veteran.

The Movement of An Era of Conscience Resonates in the Baltic States

Mayor of Riga, Latvia’s capital, Mr. Nils Ušakovs, especially sent Ms. Aija Kalniņa (fifth from right), deputy director of the Culture Board of the Department of the Education, Culture and Sports, to ask the advice of Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze (fifth from left) on how to promote culture and sports as well as how to pass on cultural heritage.

Promoting "An Era of Conscience" Movement in Russia

Angels of Love Touch People’s Hearts

Alexey Chepa, a Moscow Congressman, especially asked Mr. and Mrs. Oleg Bekker to visit Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze (left) on his behalf. Dr. Hong explained to them the importance of love, peace, and cultural education.

FOWPAL Travels to Russia to Promotes Love and Peace through Culture Exchanges

President of FOWPAL, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze (right) presented a customized crystal featuring a celestial dragon to Mr. Viacheslav Kalganov (left), Deputy Chairman of the Committee for External Relations of St. Petersburg.

International Day of Peace

FOWPAL Calls for Conscience-Centric Peace

Myanmar’s deputy UN ambassador, H.E. Ms. Hmway Hmway Khyne, rings the Bell of World Peace and Love and makes a wish for everlasting peace in the world.

Youth Promote Peace with Dance at Times Square to Celebrate International Day of Peace

FOWPAL youth volunteers joined the Peace Day Party at Times Square in New York and attracted people to happily dance with them.