

Guinea-Bissau: Ban urges leaders to demonstrate goodwill to resolve political crisis

National Assembly building in Guinea-Bissau.


Madagascar’s Prime Minister Calls For Support And Investment Against Chronic Malnutrition

The results of a new Cost of Hunger in Africa (COHA) study indicate that Madagascar’s economy loses 3.384 billion Ariary (US$1.5 billion) per year – the equivalent of 14.5% of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – to the effects of malnutrition.


Russian Federation Boosts Support To WFP To Strengthen Rural Livelihoods Of The Most Vulnerable In The Kyrgyz Republic

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomed a new contribution from the Russian Federation that will be used to support rural livelihoods and strengthen national productive safety nets for the most vulnerable communities in the Kyrgyz Republic on Dec 21.


At Security Council, UN chief underlines need to tackle root causes of human trafficking

Security Council unanimously adopts resolution condemning in the strongest terms all instances of trafficking in persons in areas affected by armed conflicts.


Winter is the latest threat to children living on the brink across the Middle East

UNICEF facing $38 million shortfall for winter supplies and cash assistance that could leave more than one million children in the cold

Ten year old Ahmed from East Aleppo stays at a shelter that was formerly a warehouse. Both of Ahmed’s parents are dead and there are no other relatives to care for him or his four siblings.


UNHCR chief launches U$241 million appeal for conflict-displaced in Lake Chad Basin

UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi in Cameroon, on December 16, launched a multi-million dollar inter-agency appeal to help almost half-a-million people in Niger, Chad and Cameroon affected by the Boko Haram insurgency, including more than 183,000 Nigerian refugees.


ACP-EU :"Zero immigration has never existed and never will"

"The history of humanity is the history of migrations. Zero migration has never existed, and it never will”, said Louis Michel (ALDE, BE), EU Co-President of the ACP-EU Joint Parliamentary Assembly (JPA) at the opening of its 32nd session, in Nairobi (Kenya) on Monday. “We must manage migration flows in a human way, in line with our values. Fortress Europe is not working”, he added.


WFP Welcomes Contribution From Spain To Support Humanitarian Air Transport In The Sahel

WFP aviation transports humanitarian staff and cargo to hard to reach places, including in Mali, Mauritania and Niger.


UN World Food Programme Welcomes Japanese Contribution To Its Operations In Mozambique

The Government of Japan has contributed $US2.7 million to UN World Food Programme (WFP) operations in Mozambique. This will allow us to assist more than 82,000 drought-hit farmers in Gaza and Sofala provinces for three months, through programmes designed to restore livelihoods and improve resilience to climate change.


IFAD to provide $46.5 million to reduce poverty and revitalize mountain areas in Morocco

The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and Morocco signed a financing agreement to improve the living conditions of rural people in mountain areas and reduce poverty by 30 per cent by 2030 on Dec 19.