

‘Outraged’ UN Member States demand immediate halt to attacks against civilians in Syria

The UN refugee agency (UNHCR), alongside other humanitarian agencies in Aleppo, is delivering a comprehensive response to meet the needs of the newly displaced from the Eastern part of Aleppo.


Visa suspension mechanism: Parliament and Council negotiators strike a deal

The EU Commission and member states will be able to reimpose visa requirements faster and more easily under new rules agreed by Parliament and Council negotiators on Wednesday.

Parliament´s rapporteur for the proposal, Agustín Díaz de Mera (EPP, ES), noted that “the changes agreed provide flexibility for the rapid activation of the suspension mechanism”. He also underlined that the deal “will facilitate the immediate consideration of the two visa liberalization proposals for Georgia and Ukraine.”


Nearly a quarter of the world’s children live in conflict or disaster-stricken countries: UNICEF

The new figure is a stark reminder of why UNICEF was established, as the organization marks 70 years of work for the most vulnerable children

On 10 October 2016 in Jérémie, Haiti, a toddler rests near collapsed homes on top of a hill.


Libya: Security Council reaffirms full support for political agreement signed a year ago

A girl crosses a street in the city of Sirte, Libya. Much of the city was destroyed during weeks of fighting there.


National Level Simulation Exercise Prepares Humanitarian Partners For Next Big Disaster

A three-day simulation exercise (SIMEX) on early warning, emergency preparedness, response and capacity building for natural disasters concluded in Kathmandu on Dec 08. The exercise was organized by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in collaboration with the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA).


WFP Welcomes Japan’s Generous Contribution To Fight Food Insecurity In Myanmar

WFP welcomed a contribution of JPY 300 million (US$ 2.8 million) made by the Government of Japan to the UN World Food Programme (WFP) to help reduce food insecurity and undernutrition and increase resilience among the most vulnerable communities in Myanmar on Dec 07.


IFAD calls for agricultural investment to address poverty and inequality in Near East and North Africa

Income inequality and a rising rural-urban divide compounded by political instability, are the most challenging issues in the Near East and North Africa, says a new report to be presented in Tunis on Dec 08 by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD). Boosting the role of agriculture is vital to tackling poverty and inequality and for fostering economic development in rural areas, the report adds.


IFAD President and Minister of State for DfID to discuss importance of rural investments in the fight against global poverty at Warwick in London

Lord Bates, the newly appointed Minister of State for the Department for International Development (DfID) and Dr Kanayo F. Nwanze, the President of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), will give keynote speeches this month, at an event hosted by the University of Warwick in its new London office.


Statement by UNICEF Syria Representative, Hanaa Singer, on the deteriorating situation for children in Aleppo and across the country

On 1 December 2016, a girl holds bread in her hand at a warehouse that makes up part of the Jibreen shelter housing some 8,000 people.


UNHCR convenes dialogue on how to better protect children on the move

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is pleased to announce that the High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges will take place this week on Thursday 8 and Friday 9 December in Geneva, Switzerland. Established nine years ago, this unique forum allows for a free exchange of views between a broad range of stakeholders on new or emerging global protection issues. This year’s focus, Children on the Move, is about the growing but often overlooked plight of children who are fleeing violence and war, and struggling to reach safety.