

Effective tobacco policies could save eight million lives and $1 trillion annually, UN reports



At Security Council, UN chief Guterres makes case for new efforts to build and sustain peace

António Guterres (centre) makes his first address to the Security Council as Secretary-General, on the issue of conflict prevention and sustaining peace. At right is Margot Wallström of Sweden, President of the Council for the month of January.


WFP Launches Innovative Cash Assistance Programme In Darfur, Supported By UK aid

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP)welcomed senior UK officials to a new cash assistance programme in Nyala’s Otash Camp in South Darfur on Jan 09. The programme, funded by UK aid from the government of the United Kingdom, is currently providing unrestricted cash assistance to 75,000 displaced people, offering them choice and freedom to prioritize their needs.


Record Contributions From Belgium Support WFP Innovation & Emergency Response

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has recognized the Government of Belgium’s substantial contributions in 2016, a year in which the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGCD) has donated more than €28 million to WFP projects reaching nearly 8 million people in eight countries.


'Early Moments Matter' for children’s brain development, UNICEF

On 15 August 2016 in Belize, 2-year-old Abner laughs while being carried by his father, James Choc.


Yemen: EU-UN partnership to target ‘alarming’ food insecurity

The resilience of Yemen's farmers and herders, especially women, needs to be boosted.


Syrian Refugees in Lebanon Vulnerable and Reliant on Aid, Study Shows

Annual VASyR Study with UNICEF, WFP Shows Food Insecurity Rising; Share of Households Below Poverty Line at 71 percent

Syrian refugees in Lebanon remain highly vulnerable after many years living in the country, according to a benchmark study from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and UN partner agencies.


UN condemns deadly ambush that leaves one 'blue helmet' dead in Central African Republic

A MINUSCA patrol in Bangui, Central African Republic (CAR).


Syrian refugees in Lebanon face economic hardship and food shortages – joint UN agency study

Two Syrian refugee boys play in the informal settlement of Hawch el Refka, in Bekaa Valley, Lebanon, near the Syrian border.


As temperatures drop, asylum-seekers on Greek islands need to be moved to mainland – UN agency

Child refugees in Greece.