

WFP dstributes 7,000 fuel-efficient stoves to improve the lives of displaced women in Banki

The World Food Programme (WFP), together with its partner INTERSOS, has distributed fuel-efficient stoves to 7,340 displaced families receiving WFP food assistance in the town of Banki, in Nigeria’s Borno state. The stoves distribution is an effort to improve people’s quality of life and reduce the protection risks faced by women and girls in particular, when they have to gather firewood from unsafe areas.


Korean Leaders to Hold Summit Next Month in Pyongyang

North and South Korea say their respective leaders will meet in North's capital of Pyongyang sometime next month.

The announcement was made Monday after the two sides held high-level talks in Panmunjom, the truce village in the border zone that separates the autocratic North from the democratic South.


Actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw meets refugees in Rwanda with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency

British Hollywood actress Gugu Mbatha-Raw met with refugees this week in Rwanda’s Mahama and Gihembe refugee camps, on her first trip with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency.


Statement by Italian OSCE Chair’s Special Representative for South Caucasus on 10th anniversary of ceasefire in 2008 war in Georgia

Special Representative of the Italian Chairperson-in-Office for the South Caucasus, Ambassador Günther Bächler, on August 12, the following statement on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the ceasefire in the 2008 war in Georgia


UNICEF appeals for end to ‘war on children’ in Syria and Yemen

The escalating hostilities in southwest Syria endanger some 750,000 people - almost half of them children, like these boys pictured here, who have fled violence in Deraa.


Anti-Racist Protesters Far Outnumber White Supremacists at Washington Rally

Anti-racist protesters far outnumbered the handful of white supremacists who rallied across from the White House Sunday while police kept both sides apart.


Caspian Sea Countries Sign Landmark Deal

The leaders of the five countries bordering the Caspian Sea have signed a landmark agreement on its legal status.

The agreement signed Sunday in Aktau, Kazakhstan, by the presidents of Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan comes after more than 20 years of negotiations on how to divide the resources of the world's largest inland body of water.


European support for Bavarian Nordic's vaccine production

The European Union is supporting biotech company Bavarian Nordic with a EUR 30m loan from the European Investment Bank (EIB). The loan is guaranteed under the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI), the heart of the Investment Plan for Europe, in which the EIB is the European Commission’s strategic partner.


Erdogan Claims Lira Plunge a 'Political Plot' Against Turkey

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, embroiled in a bitter dispute with the U.S., a NATO ally, contended Sunday the plunging value of his country's lira currency amounted to a "political plot" against Turkey.


UNICEF fears escalation in violence in Idlib, Syria will leave 350,000 children with no place to go

“I can’t describe to you what’s happening here. We don’t have enough water or food and we live in fear,” says 12-year-old Rand in Idlib as she breaks into tears.