

2019 EU budget: Council adopts its position

On September 4, the Council adopted its position on the 2019 EU budget, confirming the agreement reached by EU ambassadors in July.


No to sexual exploitation and abuse in the Central African Republic

The Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), United Nations agencies, international and national non-governmental organizations providing humanitarian response in the Central African Republic (CAR) have signed a protocol for information sharing and reporting of sexual exploitation and abuse allegations.


Paraguay Moves Embassy Out of Jerusalem

Israel announced on Wednesday it would close its embassy in Paraguay and recall its ambassador after the South American country said it would move its embassy from the official Israeli capital of Jerusalem to the nearby city of Tel Aviv.


Dangerous journeys: tackling Vietnamese trafficking

Leah Davison analyses the complex problem of trafficking of children and young people from Vietnam to Europe

Vietnam has been consistently one of the source countries for trafficking into the UK for the past five years. Only last year 739 Vietnamese people were referred to the UK authorities as potential victims of trafficking, including 363 children. Most of Vietnamese children and young people are exploited by ruthless criminal gangs in cannabis farms, in nail bars and in brothels.


Half of world’s teens experience peer violence in and around school – UNICEF

Physical fights and bullying disrupt the education of 150 million 13-15-year-olds worldwide

Half of students aged 13 to 15 worldwide – around 150 million – report having experienced peer-to-peer violence in and around school, according to a new report released by UNICEF on Sep 06, 2018.


Foreign Secretary statement on the OPCW report into Amesbury

Jeremy Hunt gave a statement following the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons independent report into the nerve agent incident in Amesbury.

The independent report produced by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), on September 4, has confirmed the assessment of the United Kingdom in identifying the chemical agent responsible for the death of Dawn Sturgess in Amesbury on 8 July.


EU Ambassadors in the EP: a multilateral approach to global challenges needed

The EU must “engage with partners to enhance global peace, security and prosperity” Vice-President Ramón Luis Valcárcel told the 140 EU ambassadors on Tuesday.

European Parliament Vice-President Ramón Luis Valcárcel, on behalf of President Antonio Tajani, opened the 2018 EU Ambassadors Conference, bringing together the 140 EU ambassadors from all over the world.


High-Level Conference in Berlin commits to comprehensive crisis response in the Lake Chad Region as donors announce US$2.17 billion in support; US$467 million in concessional loans

The High-Level Conference on the Lake Chad Region concluded with renewed commitments by participants to work together to address the multi-faceted crisis affecting the region, on September 4.


Mediterranean crossings deadlier than ever, new UNHCR report shows

The first migrants from the Aquarius ship arrive at the port of Valencia on an Italian ship, the Dattilo, June 2018.


Brazil Struggles With Loss of Vast Historical Collection

As firefighters sifted through the burned-out remains of Rio de Janeiro's National Museum for hot embers Monday, Brazilians struggled with the loss of a vast collection of irreplaceable items from the country's history.