

Embracing Tradition and Innovation: The 2024 Tai Ji Men Lunar New Year Gathering

Distinguished guests held “kung fu” fans, expressing their hope that everyone could share and spread kindness, and obtain a life enriched with health, wealth, wisdom, happiness, and joy.


Trump Wins South Carolina Primary with 60% of Votes, Defeating Opponent Haley

Former U.S. President Donald Trump took a big step toward a third consecutive term in the White House, almost assuredly representing the Republican Party in the Republican primary election in South Carolina, defeating the party's lone rival, Nikki Haley, with about 60 percent of the vote.

In his victory speech, Trump took aim at incumbent President Joe Biden, as he happily greeted his victory in the South Carolina primary amid cheers from his supporters. But Trump also urged his supporters to celebrate for just 15 minutes because he has a tough battle ahead in Michigan.


South Korean Government to Take Legal Action Against Striking Doctors

The South Korean government recently announced a policy to increase the enrollment of medical schools, leading to a collective resignation and strike by resident doctors nationwide. In response, the South Korean authorities raised the health care disaster alert to the highest level, "serious," and declared that legal actions would be taken against those who refuse to return to work.


G7 Expresses Concerns over Countries' Provision of Aid to Russia

On the occasion of the **two-year anniversary** of the Russo-Ukrainian War, the **G7** leaders and **European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen** met with Ukrainian President **Volodymyr Zelenskyy** on the 24th. Following the meeting, they issued a joint statement expressing concern about **Chinese companies** within China **shipping dual-use materials and weapon components to Russia**, as well as engaging in military-industrial production equipment.


Two Years into the Russo-Ukrainian War, German Chancellor Urges Europe to Strengthen Defense to Deter External Attacks

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz commented via a podcast on the second anniversary of the Russo-Ukrainian War, stating that Europe needs to strengthen its defense to ensure it can withstand external military attacks.

Scholz said in the podcast, "Words like 'deterrence' and 'defense readiness' coming from a German Chancellor are quite unusual. We Germans have not used these words for a long time, they are almost forgotten. But these words represent something very important, that is, to work together with allies and be strong enough that no one dares to attack us."


G20 Foreign Ministers’ Meeting Concludes

The G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting concluded on the afternoon of the 22nd in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A press conference was held after the meeting, where Brazilian Foreign Minister Mauro Vieira expressed the serious concerns of the G20 member representatives about the Israel-Palestine conflict. Almost all member countries support the two-state solution to resolve the Israel-Palestine conflict.


Eastern Immortals and Celestial Creatures Appeared at the Eurasian Economic Summit Gala Dinner to Deliver the Energy of Blessing

At the Eurasia Summit 2024, FOWPAL representatives performed the elegant white peacock and noble peony dances, wishing for the elegance and prosperity of the event.


27 Million People in Argentina Fall into Poverty

The economy of Argentina continues to deteriorate. According to statistics, the poverty rate reached 57.4% in January this year, a new high in 22 years, and it is estimated that 27 million Argentines have fallen into poverty.


FOWPAL visited Turkish campus, teachers and students jointly signed "The Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope"

FOWPAL visited Adem Ceylan Final Technical School and received a big applause from teachers and students by giving the performance of oriental martial arts.


FOWPAL Presents the World Education Model Award in Memory of Dr. Jagdish Gandhi

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Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, right, presented the FOWPAL World Education Model Award to the family of Dr. Gandhi. The award was received by Dr. Gandhi's wife, Dr. Bharti Gandhi, and their daughter.