
Vitamin D Supplements Might Help Some Lose Weight


GTEx Findings Reveal New Insights into how DNA Differences Influence Gene Activity, Disease Susceptibility


Strengthening Hip Muscles May Ease Calf Pain From Blood Vessel Disease


Study Sees Improving Survival Odds for Ovarian Cancer


Near-atomic resolution of protein structure by electron microscopy holds promise for drug discovery

3.2 Å resolution cryo-EM structure of β-galactosidase from 2014

GTEx findings reveal new insights into how DNA differences influence gene activity, disease susceptibility

Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project have created a new and much-anticipated data resource to help establish how differences in an individual’s genomic make-up can affect gene activity and...

NIH study solves ovarian cell mystery, shedding new light on reproductive disorders

The ovarian follicle stained above shows the egg (red center), surrounded by the supporting granulosa cells (green) and...

A commitment to improve global health information

WHO and the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) Wednesday signed a Memorandum of Understanding defining areas where they will work together to improve the quality and use of global health estimates to measure the world’s health...

Learn to Recognize the Signs of an Alcohol Problem


Is It a Cold or an Allergy
