
New World Bank Support for Morocco to Increase Access to Healthcare and Boost Green Energy

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors approved two projects totaling US$248.95 million to support Morocco’s national health strategy and to promote clean energy and energy efficiency on April 24. In the health sector, the investment will finance...

A New Look at Racial/Ethnic Differences in Mental Health Service Use Among Adults


Expanding Naloxone use could reduce drug overdose deaths and save lives

Allowing more basic emergency medical service (EMS) staff to administer naloxone could reduce drug overdose deaths that involve opioids, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) study, “Disparity in Naloxone Administration by...

Childhood Abuse, Neglect Linked to High Blood Pressure in Adulthood


Nigeria: World Bank Approves US$500 Million to Improve Maternal and Child Health, Achieve the ‘Saving One Million Lives’ Goal

The World Bank Group’s Board of Executive Directors approved a US$500 million International Development Association (IDA)* credit to significantly improve maternal, child, and nutrition health services for women and children on April 23.

Foods That Help Keep the Pounds Off as You Age


World Malaria Day: call to close gaps in prevention and treatment to defeat malaria

WHO is calling on the global health community to urgently address significant gaps in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malaria. Despite dramatic declines in malaria cases and deaths since 2000, more than half a million lives are still lost...

World Malaria Day: call to close gaps in prevention and treatment to defeat malaria

WHO is calling on the global health community to urgently address significant gaps in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of malaria. Despite dramatic declines in malaria cases and deaths since 2000, more than half a million lives are still lost...

Many Breast Cancer Patients Still Opt for Mastectomy Over Lump Removal


Ebola Outbreak May Have Led to Almost 11,000 Additional Malaria Deaths: Study
