
Ease of weight loss influenced by individual biology

For the first time in a lab, researchers at the National Institutes of Health found evidence supporting the commonly held belief that people with certain physiologies lose less weight than others when limiting calories.

Millions of Children in the Arab World are missing the basic foundations for Healthy Development

Generations of children in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region will be at a permanent disadvantage according to a new World Bank report, without concerted action to improve access to key development factors during early childhood.

Study Links Sleep Troubles to Children's Mental Health


Study Links Celiac Disease to Nerve Damage


GTEx Findings Reveal New Insights into how DNA Differences Influence Gene Activity, Disease Susceptibility

Researchers funded by the National Institutes of Health Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project have created a new and much-anticipated data resource to help establish how differences in an individual’s genomic make-up can affect gene activity and...

WHO moves to improve access to lifesaving medicines for hepatitis C, drug-resistant TB and cancers

WHO last Friday published the new edition of its Model List of Essential Medicines which includes ground-breaking new treatments for hepatitis C, a variety of cancers (including breast cancer and leukaemia) and multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (TB),...

Expert Tips to Detect Early Warning Signs of Stroke


When to Ice, When to Heat


Many Americans Under 50 Living With Cold Sore Virus


High-Protein Diet May Be Dangerous for Those at Risk of Heart Disease
