World Health Statistics reports on global health goals for 194 countries
2015 is the final year for the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – goals set by governments in 2000 to guide global efforts to end poverty. This year’s "World Health Statistics" – published Wednesday by WHO – assesses progress towards...
Emergency preparedness pays off as Kathmandu hospitals respond to earthquakes
The earthquakes and the continuing aftershocks in Nepal highlight the importance of the efforts the Ministry of Health and Population and WHO have had in place for more than a decade to ensure key hospitals, health facilities and health workers would...
Even Treated Depression May Raise Stroke Risk
Autism May Differ in Brains of Boys and Girls
A SMARTer approach to stroke care
New findings suggest that MRI machines (such as the one pictured above) may help quickly screen stroke patients for acute...
OECD outlines action for governments to tackle heavy cost of harmful drinking
Harmful drinking is on the rise among young people and women in many OECD countries, partly due to alcohol becoming more available, more affordable and more effectively advertised, according to a new OECD report.
Scientists unravel the mystery of the tubulin code
Cellular code writer - TTLL7 (gold structures on the left) impacts cell function by binding to microtubules (silver structure...
Immune System Genes May Change With the Seasons: Study
Parkinson's Protein May Spur Immune Response
New Moms' Codeine Use Down Since Health Warnings