
Unique catalysts for hydrogen fuel cells synthesized in ordinary kitchen microwave oven

A schematic model of the unique morphology of the alloy. The Pd-islands (light-brown spheres) are embedded in an environment of tungsten (...

NASA Mission Finds Widespread Evidence of Young Lunar Volcanism

The feature called Maskelyne is one of many newly discovered young volcanic deposits on the Moon. Called irregular mare patches,...

U.S. Initiates Prototype System to Gauge National Marine Biodiversity

NASA satellite data of the marine environment will be used in prototype marine biodiversity observation networks to be established in...

New NASA Technology Brings Critical Data to Pilots Over Remote Alaskan Territories

NASA’s Traffic and Atmospheric Information for General Aviation (TAIGA) technology system is capable of showing pilots the altitude...

Wild Ducks Take Flight in Open Cluster

The Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile has taken this beautiful image,...

NASA Mission Points to Origin of “Ocean of Storms” on Earth’s Moon

Earth's moon as observed in visible light (left), topography (center, where red is high and blue is low), and the GRAIL gravity...

Blades of grass inspire advance in organic solar cells

Vertical nanopillars are ideal geometries for getting around the challenges of producing polymer architecture to boost power-conversion...

Nanoparticles give up forensic secrets
