
Rosetta's Comet Scrambling Its Jets


NIST offers electronics industry 2 ways to snoop on self-organizing molecules

Transmission electron microscope (TEM) tomography provides a nanoscale, 3-D visualization of the structure of a templated block copolymer....

Bipolar Disorder Discovery at the Nano Level: Tiny structures found in brain synapses help scientists better understand disorder

Scientists used a new super-resolution imaging method -- the same method recognized with the 2014 Nobel Prize in chemistry -- to peer deep into brain tissue from mice with bipolar-like behaviors. In the synapses (where communication between brain...

Super stable garnet ceramics may be ideal for high-energy lithium batteries

ORNL researchers used scanning transmission electron microscopy to take an atomic-level look at a cubic garnet material called LLZO that...

Detecting Cancer Earlier is Goal of Rutgers-Developed Medical Imaging Technology: Rare earth nanocrystals and infrared light can reveal small cancerous tumors and cardiovascular lesions

Rare-earth nanoparticles encapsulated in albumin shells glow under infrared light.

Imaging electric charge propagating along microbial nanowires

UMass Amherst researchers recently provided stronger evidence than ever before to support their claim that the microbe Geobacter produces...

Removal of Limitations of Composites at Superheat Temperatures


Nanotechnology Improves Quality of Anti-Corrosive Coatings
