
Leading bugs to the death chamber: A kinder face of cholesterol

Phagosomes carried by the Motors initially move in a back-and-forth manner near the cell periphery, and mature by fusing with other compartments. As time passes, there is a switch that causes the phagosomes to move in an almost unidirectional manner...

Graphene is strong, but is it tough? Berkeley Lab scientists find that polycrystalline graphene is not very resistant to fracture

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy's Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab) have developed the first known statistical theory for the toughness of polycrystalline graphene, which is made with chemical vapor deposition, and found...

Organic crystals allow creating flexible electronic devices: The researchers from the Faculty of Physics of the Moscow State University have grown organic crystals that allow creating flexible electronic devices

A team of researchers from the Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University in cooperation with Russian and foreign colleagues learnt to grow organic semiconductor crystals with extremely high light-emitting efficiency that promise a bright future...

Electrons and liquid helium advance understanding of zero-resistance: Study of electrons on liquid helium systems sheds light on zero-resistance phenomenon in semiconductors

This is a cell (container) where the electrons on liquid helium experiments are conducted.

Nanosheet growth technique could revolutionize nanomaterial production

The new nanoscale manufacturing process draws zinc to the surface of a liquid, where it forms sheets just a few atoms thick.

New invention revolutionizes heat transport

Artistic impression of quantum-limited heat conduction of photons over macroscopic distances.

First SpaceDataHighway laser relay in orbit

The European Data Relay System’s first laser terminal has reached space aboard its host satellite and is now under way to its final operating position.

A step towards keeping up with Moore's Law: POSTECH researchers develop a novel and efficient fabrication technology for cross-shaped memristor

Conventional memristors are usually fabricated through conventional optical, imprint, and e-beam lithographic approaches. However, to meet Moore's law, the assembly of memristors comprised of 1-dimensional (1D) nanowires must be demonstrated to...