
Herbal Extracts Applied to Synthesize Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles


Nanostructural Changes in Solar Cells to Increase Their Efficiency


Monstrous Cloud Boomerangs Back to Our Galaxy

The 100-million-year-long trajectory of the Smith Cloud as it arcs out of the plane of our Milky Way...

An alternative to platinum: Iron-nitrogen compounds as catalysts in graphene

Nano-island of graphene in which iron-nitrogen complexes are embedded. The FeN4 complexes (shown in orange) are catalytically active.

Researchers from the California NanoSystems Institute at UCLA have created a new technique that greatly enhances digital microscopy images

The image sensor of the wavelength scanning super-resolution apparatus collects a “stack” of images of the sample.

Designing a pop-up future: Simple origami fold may hold the key to designing pop-up furniture, medical devices and scientific tools

This image shows various shapes made from Miura-ori pattern.

Theorists Propose a New Method to Probe the Beginning of the Universe


Microscopic drug 'depots' boost efficacy against tumors in animal model

Biomedical engineering researchers have developed a technique for creating microscopic "depots" for trapping drugs inside cancer tumors. In...