
Quantum satellite device tests technology for global quantum network: Singapore-built satellite makes and measures light particles pair by pair

Researchers at the National University of Singapore and University of Strathclyde, UK, have launched a satellite that is testing technology...

Simple attraction: Researchers control protein release from nanoparticles without encapsulation: U of T Engineering discovery stands to improve reliability and fabrication process for treatments to conditions such as spinal cord damage and stroke

For decades, biomedical engineers have been painstakingly encapsulating proteins in nanoparticles to control their release. Now, a research team led by University Professor Molly Shoichet has shown that proteins can be released over several weeks,...

NASA's Juno Spacecraft Crosses Jupiter/Sun Gravitational Boundary

This artist's rendering shows NASA's Juno spacecraft making one of its close passes over Jupiter.

Scientists illuminate a hidden regulator in gene transcription: New super-resolution technique visualizes important role of short-lived enzyme clusters

By merging two super-resolved images of a single gene (magneta) and Pol II enzymes (green), scientists could see clusters of enzymes, as...

Rosetta’s comet contains ingredients for life

Rosetta’s comet contains ingredients for...

NASA Telescopes Find Clues for How Giant Black Holes Formed So Quickly


More light on cancer: Scientists created nanoparticles to highlight cancer cells

These are confocal fluorescence microscopy images of CF2Th cancer cells incubated with LA-Si NPs.

Hubble Takes Mars Portrait Near Close Approach
