
No need in supercomputers: Russian scientists suggest a PC to solve complex problems tens of times faster than with massive supercomputers

JUGENE (Jülich Blue Gene) -- a supercomputer built by IBM for Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany.

NASA's Juno Spacecraft Getting Close to Jupiter

This illustration depicts NASA's Juno spacecraft at Jupiter, with its solar arrays and main antenna pointed toward the...

CAVES: exploring inner space for outer space


Ultrathin, flat lens resolves chirality and color: Multifunctional lens could replace bulky, expensive machines

Imaging with the multispectral chiral lens forms two images of the beetle, Chrysina gloriosa, on the color camera. The left image was...

NASA Technology Applied in Breast Cancer Study

Getting spacecraft ready for launch may have more to do with medical research than you think. For a new study on microbes that may be associated with a history of breast cancer, researchers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California,...

New imaging method reveals nanoscale details about DNA: Enhancement to super-resolution microscopy shows orientation of individual molecules, providing a new window into DNA's structure and dynamics

A new imaging technique allows researchers to image both the position and orientation of single fluorescent molecules attached to DNA.

Three Space Station Crew Members Return to Earth, Land Safely in Kazakhstan


Researchers refine method for detecting quantum entanglement

Entanglement in quantum physics is the ability of two or more particles to be related to each other in ways which are beyond what is possible in classical physics.