Quantum computing closer as RMIT drives towards first quantum data bus: RMIT researchers trialling a quantum processor capable of routing information from different locations have found a pathway towards the quantum data bus
Quantum information is encoded in single particles of light (photons). The perfect state transfer is applied to one photon of an...
Saturn Spacecraft Samples Interstellar Dust
Of the millions of dust grains Cassini has sampled at Saturn, a few dozen appear to have come from beyond our...
A Space Spider Watches Over Young Stars
The Spider Nebula lies about 10,000 light-years away from Earth and is a site of active star formation.
Researchers create perfect nanoscrolls from graphene’s imperfect form
This sketch illustrates how a nanoscroll forms from a graphene oxide flake as a result of ultrasonic irradiation.
Elusive state of superconducting matter discovered after 50 years
A schematic image representing a periodic variation in the density of Cooper pairs (pairs of blue arrows pointing in opposite directions)...
Searching for Far Out and Wandering Worlds
As an exoplanet passes in front of a more distant star, its gravity causes the trajectory of the starlight to bend,...
NASA Invests in Two-Dimensional Spacecraft, Reprogrammable Microorganisms
Three-way battles in the quantum world
An artificial quantum world of atoms and light: Atoms (red) spontaneously arrange themselves in a checkerboard pattern as a result of the...