

Regulators Want Truckers On Road To Shape Up

Federal regulators have announced plans to step up scrutiny of sleep apnea and other health issues affecting truckers, a move that has put them on notice to get healthy.


UN panel pays out $650 million in reparations for Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait

The United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC), which settles the damage claims of those who suffered losses due to Iraq’s 1990 invasion of Kuwait, today made $650 million available to nine successful claimants.


Moscow in danger from fire-induced smog

Heavy smog has been covering Russia's capital due to forest fires which have been raging for three days.


Floods threaten first global warming islands

Residents of the Carteret Islands off Papua New Guinea have been pleading for help from the international community since their homes began sinking into the ocean.


Wikileaks man defends release of classified military files

The Australian-born founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, has defended the placement of tens of thousands of classified US military files on his website.


UNESCO and Japan join forces to conserve birthplace of Buddha in Nepal

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and Japan have partnered to conserve and manage the birthplace of Buddha in southern Nepal.


Is Outgoing Colombian President Riling Venezuela?

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez threatened to cut off oil supplies to the United States should his country be invaded by Colombia, a U.S. ally.


GUINEA: Climbing out of the donor funding gap

More than two million Guineans do not have enough to eat, basic health services are a shambles and the country is in a fragile transition from decades of military rule, yet most aid donors do not see Guinea as an "emergency".


Floods kill two and destroy scores of homes in southern Sudan – UN agency

Heavy rain in southern Sudan’s Jonglei state has caused floods that have killed two people and destroyed more than 130 homes during the past 10 days, a United Nations agency has reported, saying that those affected are in need of shelter material, food and drinking water.


Defeating malaria vital to achieving global development targets – Migiro

The fight against malaria is integral to boosting women’s and children’s health and achieving the other Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro told Africa leaders, urging them to build on the progress made so far to defeat the disease.