

Bernanke says US financial problems remain unresolved

The chairman of the United States Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, has reported to Congress that he expects no quick recovery from what he called the "great recession."


Asia-Pacific’s poorest countries ready to advance on intellectual property – UN official

The Asia-Pacific’s poorest countries stand to improve enormously from being part of a streamlined and clear intellectual property system, a senior United Nations official says in a call to government ministers from across the region to help their countries achieve their full potential.


UN political chief underscores need for direct Israeli-Palestinian talks

With efforts to move to serious negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians on achieving a two-State solution having reached a “critical juncture,” the top United Nations political official today underlined the need for direct negotiations between the two sides to begin as soon as possible.


KYRGYZSTAN: Not yet out of the woods

As a 40-day mourning period comes to an end on 20-21 July, security forces have begun taking measures to prevent further unrest, following clashes between Uzbeks and Kyrgyz in southern Kyrgyzstan in June.


WEST AFRICA: The Sahel's nutrition revolution

Food shortages and high rates of malnutrition have long been a reality in the Sahel, but the understanding of malnutrition has drastically changed since the prolonged drought in the early 1970s.


PHILIPPINES: Government plans to give cash to the hungry

The money that Edgar Rigeron, a homeless father of six in Manila, earns has never been enough to buy food or feed his wife and their children, much less send them to school.


British Prime Minister Affirms Commitment To Afghanistan

In an interview with NPR this morning, as diplomats from donor countries gather for a major international conference in Kabul, David Cameron, the prime minister of the United Kingdom, reaffirmed his commitment to the ongoing war in Afghanistan.


Clinton Announces New Sanctions Against N. Korea

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Wednesday that Washington will impose new sanctions on communist North Korea in a bid to stem the regime's illicit atomic ambitions.


Senate Clears Way For Extension Of Jobless Benefits

A bill to restore unemployment benefits to millions who have been out of work for more than six months has cleared a Senate hurdle.


UN agency stepping up operations to feed millions of hungry people in Niger

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today said it is boosting the delivery of aid to Niger, where up to eight million people are experiencing severe food shortages as a result of a prolonged drought that has caused crop failure and livestock deaths, leaving communities destitute.