

Welcoming Myanmar ceasefire, UNICEF says accord must cover 'every child, wherever they live'

The ceasefire agreement in Myanmar is an historic step for children, who have suffered from some of the longest running civil conflicts in the world.


Global event to turn world 'UN blue' to mark 70th anniversary of United Nations

The Sustainable Development Goals is projected onto the façades of the UN Secretariat and General Assembly buildings which brings to life each of the 17 goals, to raise awareness about the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.


More support needed for Somali refugees going back home from Kenya

Somali refugees board a plane that will take them home to Mogadishu from Dadaab camp in Kenya.


Seven people die off Lesvos as tensions flare at crowded reception facility

A group of refugees disembark an inflatable boat after reaching the Greek island of Lesvos.


'I am standing with these refugees,' says Ban visiting reception centre in Rome

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon visits refugees at the Centre Tenda Di Abramo in Rome, Italy, on 17 October 2015.


Survey: Two out of every three Europeans want migrant crisis tackled at EU level

Tackling unemployment and migration are for many Europeans the biggest challenges facing the EU, according to the latest Eurobarometer opinion poll commissioned by Parliament. Nearly two thirds think decisions on migration should be taken at the EU level rather than nationally, while eight out of ten said asylum seekers should be “better distributed among all EU member states”. However, the answers vary considerably from country to country.


PACE President presents eight-point blueprint to address migration crisis

“We have failed to anticipate the massive arrival of migrants, and now that we are overwhelmed by its consequences and implications, we are bargaining like carpet-sellers about quotas and figures. Colleagues, we are talking about human lives. Providing shelter and support to those who flee conflict and extreme poverty is not only our moral duty, it is also our international obligation,” she stressed in a debate on “The moral and economic imperative for fairer, smarter and more humane migration”, organised by the IPU Assembly in Geneva on 18 October.


IAEA Completes Nuclear Security Review Mission in Norway

An International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) team of experts on October 16 completed a mission to review national nuclear security practices in Norway.


UK to put £5 million to build a national coalition against extremism – in communities and online

UK Prime Minister announces £5 million support for local initiatives, campaigns and charities to counter extremist ideologies.

UK government will invest £5 million this year to build a national network of grassroots organisations to challenge all forms of extremist ideology, the Prime Minister announced on 18 October on the eve of the publication of the government’s new Counter-Extremism Strategy.


Schulz on relocating refugees: “European solidarity is about sharing responsibilities”

Martin Schulz with the heads of state at the European Council