

Work permit boost gives hope to Syrian refugees in Jordan

Syrian refugee Khaled carries trays of potatoes at a farm in the Jordan valley.


South Sudan refugee outflow grows as relief funds lag

A woman refugee from South Sudan stands outside a shelter in Bitima village in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.


Gun control: lead MEP to present changes to firearms proposal on Wednesday

Amendments tabled by Parliament's lead MEP to a Commission proposal to revise the EU firearms directive will be discussed in the Internal Market Committee on Wednesday at around 11.20. The committee chair and rapporteur on this file, Vicky Ford (ECR, UK), says that any changes to the directive must strike a balance between the right to own certain types of firearms and controls appropriate to the risk they present.


Two-state solution in Middle East ‘tragically more distant’ than ever, Ban tells Security Council

Israeli first responders transport the wounded after an assailant rammed his car into a bus stop in an ultra-Orthodox Jerusalem neighbourhood.


Children in Afghanistan struggle to access education and healthcare

Three-year-old Khalesa and her mother in northern Afghanistan.


EP this week: missing migrant children, Turkey visa liberalisation, gun control

MEPs have another busy week ahead of them


U.S. and Coalition Strikes Hit ISIL Targets in Iraq, Syria

Operation Inherent Resolve


Nigerian boys tell of Boko Haram abduction

Nigerian youngster Paul, who was abducted by Boko Haram militants at age 14, stands against a wall.


Turkey: need of urgent reforms in key areas, say MEPs

EU-Turkey cooperation on migration should be uncoupled from the EU accession negotiating process, say MEPs in a resolution voted on Thursday. MEP praise Turkey for hosting the largest refugee population in the world, and note that it remains a "key strategic partner for the EU" but nonetheless call for progress on rule of law and fundamental values and "a structured and more frequent political dialogue on key thematic issues".


Further reform efforts needed in Albania and Bosnia & Herzegovina, say MEPs

Key political and administrative reforms needed in Albania are progressing, but have yet to reach a stage at which EU accession negotiations could start, say MEPs in Thursday's resolution. In a separate resolution, they welcomed Bosnia & Herzegovina’s EU membership application.