

In Chad and Cameroon, Security Council hears of Boko Haram terror and survivors' needs

The UN Security Council meeting with internally displaced persons in northern Cameroon on 3 March 2017.


New European Union returns policies put children at risk

On 14 August 2016 in the Protection of Civilians (POC) site near Bentiu, in Unity State, South Sudan, children play at dusk.


On Wildlife Day, UN spotlights youth's role as today's change-makers, tomorrow's custodians

African bush elephants in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Kenya. Despite increased poaching in many parts of Africa, the elephant population in Mara is presently growing.


WFP Welcomes Japan Contribution For Emergency Food Assistance In Libya

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) has welcomed a contribution of US$700,000 from the Government of Japan that will provide vital food assistance to tens of thousands of Libyans affected by ongoing conflict since 2011.


More than 1 million children affected by drought in Kenya - UNICEF

UNICEF Kenya is working with the Government and partners to respond to the drought and save lives.

A family in Garissa County, Kenya, treks to the closest water point to fetch water. 2.7 million Kenyans are in need of water and sanitation as a result of the ongoing drought.


‘Communicating SDGs’ key to achieving global development targets – senior UN official

Day two at the Global Festival of Ideas for Sustainable Development at the World Conference Center (WCC) in Bonn, Germany. 2 March 2017.


Hunger persists in chronic conflict zones despite strong global harvests – UN

Young boys head home after fishing for a day in the swamps of Nyal, South Sudan.


Second Africa Day Of School Feeding Celebrated In Brazzaville, Republic Of Congo

Congo Brazzaville: The second edition of the African Day of School Meals was officially launched and celebrated on Wednesday 1 March 2017, under the patronage of the Congolese government, to the theme: “Home Grown School Feeding: Investment in Youth and Children for Harnessing the Demographic Dividend”.


EU Support In Niger Through 2016 Saved Lives Threatened By Hunger & The Lake Chad Crisis

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) in Niger has expressed its gratitude to the people of Europe for contributions of more than €11.5 million in 2016, made by the European Commission’s Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Unit (ECHO). These funds enabled WFP to provide food assistance to the most vulnerable families in the country.


UNICEF announces collaboration with telecommunications giant in drive for ‘Big Data’ for social good

Measuring the amount of activity in each municipality viaTwitter data to understand better daily routines of population (e.g sleeping patterns) and determine shocks such as sudden natural disasters or overall unemployment.