

Sweden contributes $80 million to UNICEF’s work in 2017

Quarter of funds will go towards humanitarian work, including famine response

Women wait with their children to be examined and given supplementary food if needed in a mobile clinic run by UNICEF during a Rapid Response Mission (RRM) in the village of Rubkuai, Unity State, South Sudan, 16 February 16 2017.


Hungarian law that could detain all asylum-seekers violates country’s legal obligations – UN agency

Pakistani migrants in Kos, Greece, showing a map he received with information about the closure of Hungary border and suggesting to go through Croatia instead.


‘The world must act now to stop this,’ UN chief Guterres says on visit to drought-hit Somalia

Women displaced by drought waiting to meet Secretary-General António Guterres during his visit to Baidoa, Somalia, where the focus was on famine and cholera.


EU-Funded Cash Assistance Programme Reaches 250,000 Refugees In Turkey

The number of refugees in Turkey receiving monthly cash assistance through an innovative relief programme reached 250,000 this week. The EU-funded Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) supports the most vulnerable refugee families in Turkey with a debit card to cover basic needs such as food, rent, medicine, fuel for heating and warm clothing for winter.


Japan Provides Timely Food Support As WFP Steps Up Efforts To Prevent Famine In Yemen

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) welcomed a contribution of some US$13 million from the Government of Japan to support WFP providing desperately-needed food assistance to seven million people in Yemen on Mar 07.


Polluted environments kill 1.7 million children each year, UN health agency reports

A polluted environment is a deadly one – particularly for young children.


UN-backed forum in Montreal set to agree region-wide disaster risk reduction plan

View of Saint-Paul Street, Montreal, Canada.


UNHCR underscores humanitarian imperative for refugees as new U.S. rules announced

In light of the Executive Order regarding U.S. refugee resettlement, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, underscores that refugees are ordinary people forced to flee war, violence and persecution in their home countries and who remain in urgent need of life-saving assistance and protection.


In Parliament this week: International Women´s Day, EU asylum rules, palm oil



In Niger, Security Council links aid and development in fight against Boko Haram

Security Council representatives speak to journalists during the Council's first ever visit to Niger.