

New data reveal that one out of three teens is bullied worldwide

The new data show that bullying affects children everywhere, across all regions and countries of different income levels. They were collected from in-school surveys that track the physical and emotional health of youth. The Global School Health Survey (GSHS) focuses on children aged 13 to 17 years in low-income regions.


South Sudan signs the 1951 Refugee Convention

A mother holds her newborn child at the Bunj hospital, Maban refugee camp, South Sudan during a visit by HRH Sarah Zeid of Jordan.


UNHCR warns over Mediterranean rescue capacity

The NGO vessel Aquarius arrives in the port of Valetta, Malta, in August 2018.


Despite gaps in legal framework, fundamental freedoms were respected in impartially administered referendum, international observers say in Skopje

Ambassador Jan Petersen, head of the referendum observation mission from the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, answering media questions outside a polling station in Skopje, 30 September 2018.


Support for underfunded crises from UN Emergency Fund

The Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) has finalised allocations totalling $80 million from the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) for humanitarian response to some of the UN's least well-funded 2018 response plans across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. The decision confirms provisional allocations the ERC made earlier in the year.


On International Day of Non-Violence, UN chief calls for world to follow Gandhi’s example

The “Non-Violence” (or “Knotted Gun”) sculpture by Swedish artist Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd on display at the UN Visitors’ Plaza.


UN Assembly wraps up annual general debate, its global multilateral role reaffirmed; now comes the task of reform

María Fernanda Espinosa Garcés, President of the seventy-third session of the General Assembly, gavels to a close the General Assembly’s annual general debate.


Let’s bring Turkmen Cotton Crimes out of the shadows

Louise Eldridge on how we need to shed a brighter light on Turkmenistan’s forced labour in its cotton industry

Forced labour in Uzbekistan has always received more attention than that in neighbouring Turkmenistan. It’s time to stop Turkmenistan hiding in the shadows.


UNICEF is concerned for safety of thousands of children in Indonesia following Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami

On 30 September 2018 in Indonesia, Nurul Istikhoroh (15) is evacuated by the Basarnas team at the Balaroa National Park in West Palu, Central Sulawesi, after almost 48 hours of being trapped in the rubble of their house and being submerged in water after the earthquake and tsunami that struck Sulawesi on September 28.


Low Turnout in Macedonia Name-Change Referendum

Few Macedonians turned out to vote in a referendum on whether to change the name of their country – a move that could pave the way for it to join NATO and the European Union.