Art & Culture

The ‘Look of Silence’ unites critics in praise Featured Image


Magna Carta scribes uncovered on eve of the charter’s 800th anniversary


UNESCO celebrates 10th anniversary of the Convention on the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and decide on future priorities


Katy Perry calls on Viet Nam’s young professionals to help improve children’s lives

Global pop superstar Katy Perry was appointed a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in December 2013.

UNESCO Director-General calls on all parties to protect Yemen’s cultural heritage

Amid alarming reports about bombing of the World Heritage Site of the Old City of Sana’a, UNESCO’s Director-General calls on all parties to protect Yemen’s unique cultural heritage.

Old City of Sana’a, Yemen, World Heritage site

First Contact with Tai Ji Men through Conscientious Endeavors: An Interview with Hollywood Insider Munni Irone

Munni Irone (First from the right in the front) was deeply inspired by Dr. Hong Tao-Tze, and immediately followed his steps to promote An Era of Conscience.

Hollywood celebrity and President of the World Film Institute Antonio Gellini calls for support of An Era of Conscience

Antonio Gellini_ANEOC.jpg
Antonio Gellini (center)

“Jazz is a universal language” says Director-General Irina Bokova at the International Jazz Day All-Star Global Concert in Paris


A fight for the skies: The Battle of Britain

In the last of a series of blogs, we take a look at three key moments for the Armed Forces in the Second World War.


UNESCO sends mission to Panama to examine the wreck of 17th century Spanish galleon San José

At the request of Panama, UNESCO will send a mission to examine the state of conservation of the San José, a Spanish galleon that sank in the archipelago of Las Perlas in the 17th century. A commercial company, Investigaciones Marinas del Istmo (IMDI), has been under contract to salvage the shipwreck since 2003.