Human Rights

'Health at very center of disaster risk reduction,' say UN agency officials in Sendai

The link between disaster risk reduction and health has been underscored by crises such as the Malawi...

Pakistan: Don’t Execute Child Offender

NPakistani authorities should immediately halt the execution of an alleged child offender scheduled for March 19, 2015, and commute his sentence, Human Rights Watch said on March 15.

Sendai: Critical role of women in building disaster resilience focus of event at UN conference

In Yogyakarta, Indonesia, women at a community meeting discuss the reconstruction of their village in the wake...

Ukraine: Civilians Struggle to Get Medical Care


Ukraine: Civilians Struggle to Get Medical Care

Travel restrictions imposed by the government of Ukraine have contributed to serious delays in the delivery of humanitarian aid, particularly medicines and medical equipment, to civilians in rebel-controlled areas of eastern Ukraine, Human Rights...

New York: Trade union delegation demands more from their governments

Women's protest action during the adoption of the CSW59 Political Declaration.

Parliament calls for crackdown on child sexual abuse and illegal online images

The ongoing EU data protection reform also includes changes to better protect the rights of children online, MEPs stress. More than 80 % of the victims are under 10 years old.

Côte d’Ivoire: senior UN official urges justice for victims of human rights abuses


Pakistan: Take Death Penalty Off the Table

Pakistan’s government should reverse its decision to lift its moratorium on the death penalty for all capital crimes and move toward abolition, Human Rights Watch said on 12 March. On March 10, 2015, government officials confirmed that the Ministry of...

Cambodia: Labor Laws Fail to Protect Garment Workers

Women in the sewing division of a factory in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s...