US: Rights Should Top Afghanistan Summit Agenda
Afghan President Ashraf Ghani and United States President Barack Obama should make human rights issues a key agenda item during meetings the week of March 23, 2015, Human Rights Watch said. Both the US and Afghan governments have a legacy of human...
Syria: Rebels’ Car Bombs, Rockets Kill Civilians
Opposition armed groups in Syria have indiscriminately attacked civilians in government-held territory with car bombs, mortars, and rockets, Human Rights Watch said in a report released on March 23. The attacks have killed and maimed hundreds of...
Yemen: Attacks on Journalists Escalate
Houthi forces and others in Yemen have committed a spate of attacks and other abuses against the media amid deteriorating political and security conditions.
Death penalty: concern at the latest events in Belarus and Russia
Marietta Karamanli (France, SOC), general rapporteur of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) on abolition of the death penalty, condemned the death sentence issued on 18 March by the Rechytsa district court against Siarhei Ivanou...
UN official urges continued international support as Vanuatu recovers from Cyclone Pam

Damage seen on Saturday 14 March 2015 in Port Vila, capital of Vanuatu, after Cyclone Pam moved through...
Save the Children Selected as One of 12 Poverty-Fighting Charities for NBC’s Star-Studded ‘Red Nose Day’ Telecast, Thursday, May 21
Save the Children has been chosen by NBC and the “Red Nose Day” organization to be one of 12 poverty-fighting non-profits that will benefit from its three-hour comedy television event in May.
Egypt: Law Changes Would Threaten Fair Trials
Proposed new courtroom rules could block the ability of defense lawyers to call witnesses for trials in Egypt. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi should reject the new rules.
Ban, on World Down Syndrome Day, applauds all who champion rights of disabled

21 March 2015 marks the 10th anniversary of World Down Syndrome Day (WDSD).
Access to justice is still all too often a luxury
"Equal treatment in access to justice has to become a reality and Council of Europe member States need to remove existing obstacles and ensure that their citizens have equal access to justice, irrespective of their wealth or status.," said the members...
Sole custody after separation perpetuates an outdated gender role model
At a hearing on 'equality and shared parental responsibility: the rights of fathers', participants stressed the importance of ensuring parental equality both in law and in practice. The rapporteur of the Committee on Equality and Non-Discrimination...