Algeria: Arrested for Ironic Facebook Post
Algerian authorities arrested a labor rights activist on March 1, 2015, based on ironic comments he made on Facebook. The activist, Rachid Aouine, is accused of “inciting an unarmed gathering” and could face up to one year in jail.
Kyrgyzstan: Reject Anti-LGBT Bill
Kyrgyzstan’s parliamentary Committee on Law, Order and Fighting Crime approved a blatantly discriminatory anti-gay “propaganda” bill on February 17, 2015, Human Rights Watch said on March 7. Kyrgyzstan’s parliament should resolutely reject the bill...
Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts
A resident sits on the floor in the women’s ward of Thane Mental Hospital, a 1,857-bed facility...
Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts
A resident sits on the floor in the women’s ward of Thane Mental Hospital, a 1,857-bed facility...
Member States must ‘step it up’ on gender parity as UN sets equality targets for 2030
Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women),...
PAKISTAN: Women's Day-despite enactment of progressive laws there is persistent regression of women's right
Climate change ‘threatens self-determination’ of citizens in island States, UN rights council told
Children in the village of Tebikenikora, on Kiribati’s main Tarawa atoll. Will they have to move one day as a...
Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts
A resident sits on the floor in the women’s ward of Thane Mental Hospital, a 1,857-bed...
Member States must enforce human rights amid rising tide of extremism – UN rights chief
High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein, presents to the Human Rights Council his report...
Kyrgyzstan: Reject Anti-LGBT Bill
Kyrgyzstan’s parliamentary Committee on Law, Order and Fighting Crime approved a blatantly discriminatory anti-gay “propaganda” bill on February 17, 2015, Human Rights Watch said on March 5. Kyrgyzstan’s parliament should resolutely reject the bill...