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World News

Funding pall hangs over AIDS 2010 conference

A chaotic protest against reduced funding for HIV delayed the opening of the International AIDS Conference, where money, or the lack of it, is likely to dominate proceedings. Dozens of activists stormed the stage of Vienna's Reed Messe Centre, holding...

'Post' Documents Growth Of Intelligence Since 9/11

Since the terror attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, top-secret intelligence gathering by the government has grown so unwieldy and expensive that no one really knows what it cost and how many people are involved, The Washington Post reported Monday.

New Law Would Restore KGB-Era Powers In Russia

Russia may have been caught spying on the U.S., but it turns that Moscow is also seeking new ways to monitor its own citizens.

USS George Washington to Visit Republic of Korea

USS George Washington, the U.S. Navy's only permanently, forward-deployed aircraft carrier will visit the Korean port of Busan July 21-25, 2010, officials at U.S. Forces Korea announced today.