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World News

Abbas wants US guarantees on future border control

Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, has said direct talks with the Israeli’s will not go ahead unless the US can guarantee the borders of a future Palestinian state.

Bernanke says US financial problems remain unresolved

The chairman of the United States Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, has reported to Congress that he expects no quick recovery from what he called the "great recession."

Asia-Pacific’s poorest countries ready to advance on intellectual property – UN official

The Asia-Pacific’s poorest countries stand to improve enormously from being part of a streamlined and clear intellectual property system, a senior United Nations official says in a call to government ministers from across the region to help their...

UN political chief underscores need for direct Israeli-Palestinian talks

With efforts to move to serious negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians on achieving a two-State solution having reached a “critical juncture,” the top United Nations political official today underlined the need for direct negotiations between...