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A Neuroscientist Uncovers A Dark Secret-Part I

The criminal brain has always held a fascination for James Fallon. For nearly 20 years, the neuroscientist at the University of California-Irvine has studied the brains of psychopaths. He studies the biological basis for behavior, and one of his...

Officials Work to Resolve Wind Energy, Radar Dilemma

US Defense Department officials are reaching out to academia and the energy industry to strike a balance between its support for alternative energy sources and its need to protect national security.

Insights on quantum mechanics

For the first time, physicists at Harvard University have tracked individual atoms in a gas cooled to extreme temperatures as the particles reorganized into a crystal, a process driven by quantum mechanics. The research, described in the journal...

Boeing Completes Firm Configuration of 787-9 Dreamliner

Boeing (NYSE: BA) today announced the completion of firm configuration for the 787-9 Dreamliner. Boeing reached this milestone after years of collaboration with airline customers and partners to determine the optimal configuration for the new stretch...

NASA Instrument Will Identify Clues to Martian Past

NASA's Curiosity rover, coming together for a late 2011 launch to Mars, has a newly installed component: a key onboard X-ray instrument for helping the mission achieve its goals. Researchers will use Curiosity in an intriguing area of Mars to search...

DOE Announces Funding for Research and Development to Support U.S. Manufacturing of High-Efficiency Solid-State Lighting

As part of the ongoing effort to reduce national energy consumption through high-efficiency building technologies, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today announced the availability of up to $15 million in funding to advance research, development,...

Apple Files Second Suit Against Smartphone Competitor HTC

Despite the frenzy surrounding the launch of the iPhone 4, Apple found time to file a second suit against competitor HTC.

In a June 21 document, filed in a Federal District Court in Delaware, Apple alleged that HTC infringes on two additional...

Earth to Lend Helping Hand to Comet Craft

NASA's Deep Impact/EPOXI spacecraft will fly past Earth this Sunday (June 27). Mission navigators have tailored this trajectory so the spacecraft can "hitch a ride" on Earth's gravity field, which will help propel the mission toward its appointment...