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Britons create world's first workable bionic legs

Two Britons living in New Zealand have built a pair of bionic legs that allow paraplegics - those with complete paralysis of the lower half of the body - to walk again.

Your longevity depends on your brain size!

Mammals with larger brains in relation to body size tend to have longer lives.

Blind Drivers Get Behind the Wheel

A new hi-tech car allows blind people to drive independently. Set to make its debut on the Daytona International Speedway in 2011, the modified Ford Escape is equipped with non-visual sensors that enable blind drivers to make safe decisions on the...

Desktop Printers May Soon Be Used to Restore Human Skin

Scientists have created a new use for outdated ink-jet printers. They are putting the finishing touches on techniques that will allow doctors to print skin onto burn victims. Sound like something out of the future? It’s not too far from becoming an...

Blue Monday For Big Bank

"IBM Employee Sparks Massive Bank Outage," read the headline at TheRegister.com. On a Monday in early July, "one of Singapore's largest banks suffered a seven-hour IT outage that took down everything from back-office services to ATMs."

First night flight ever by a solar plane!

The Solar Impulse HB-SIA, with André Borschberg at its controls, successfully landed this morning at 09:00, to the cheers of a crowd of supporters who came to celebrate this great milestone

Puff, the Magic Dragon?

A dragon-shaped cloud of dust seems to fly with the stars in a new image from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope (bottom). In visible light (top), the creature disappears into the clouds -- perhaps it's "frolicking in the autumn mist" like Puff, the Magic...

China to construct 10 nuclear reactors using 'AP1000' third-generation technology

China, which is currently building the largest number of nuclear power stations worldwide, is expected to use one of the most advanced technologies 'AP1000' for constructing 10 of its nuclear reactors.