
Penn Researchers Make First All-optical Nanowire Switch

Laser light is emitted from the end of a cadmium sulfide nanowire.

Measuring mercury levels: Nano-velcro detects water-borne toxic metals

Coal plants like this one in West Chicago release mercury into the atmosphere which can end up in the water supply. This plant, the...

Use of Nanotechnology Growing among Iranian Industrialists

Different Iranian industries, including the country's auto-manufacturing companies, are making an increasing use of nanotechnology...

New Media Revolutionize DNC

New Media Explosion Makes DNC Most Open Convention.

Needle beam could eliminate signal loss in on-chip optics: Harvard researchers create a light wave that propagates without spreading

Top: A micrograph and diagram of the metallic gratings that produce the needle beam. Bottom: An approximation of the experimental...

Rust Never Sleeps: Berkeley Lab-led Observations of Electron Hopping in Iron Oxide Hold Consequences for Environment and Energy

Iron oxide (rust) is a poor electrical conductor, but electrons in iron oxide can use thermal energy to hop from one iron atom to...

Proteins barge in to turn off unneeded genes and save energy

A few Angstroms make all the difference. The CueR protein binds to DNA at the start of a gene that protects against copper poisoning...

$18.5 million NSF grant to develop self-monitoring health devices

A schematic for an unobtrusive, wearable electronic health monitoring system. Penn State is part of a collaborative research effort...