
New research suggests the Met Office has made steps forward in providing improved long-range guidance for winters.

Satellite Image of UK Snow

Nuclear Technologies Secure Food For Future

For nearly fifty years, applications of nuclear technology have been helping the world's farmers, contributing new varieties of crops, controlling pests, diagnosing livestock disease, improving soil and water management and increasing food safety.

Two Opposing Worlds Meet: Development or Death (Part I)

The Stockholm World Water Week, Aug. 26-31, sponsored by the Swedish state's International Development Cooperation Agency, and such global cartel companies such as Nestle and PepsiCo, but dominated by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), the Stockholm...

UMass Amherst Chemists Develop Nose-like Sensor Array to 'Smell' Cancer Diagnoses

In a pre-clinical non-small-cell lung cancer metastasis model in mice developed by Frank Jirik and colleagues at the University of Calgary...

A Celestial Witch’s Broom?

The Pencil Nebula is pictured in a new image from ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. This peculiar cloud of glowing gas is...

Nuclear Power: Extracting Uranium from Seawater

The material, HiCap (from high-capacity), outperforms today's adsorbents, which perform surface retention of solid or gas molecules, atoms...

Non-Cytotoxic Nanosilver Structures Bring New Hope for Curing Infections

The obtained nanostructure is nontoxic to human cells, in contrast to the conventional silver nanoparticles, and possesses a spectacularly...

Hubble Spotted a Supernova in NGC 5806

Hubble sees a supernova explosion called SN 2004dg on the edge of NGC 5806, a spiral galaxy in...