
Measuring the mass of 'massless' electrons: Taming graphene, Harvard-led researchers successfully measure collective mass of ‘massless’ electrons in motion

A schematic of the experimental setup. Ham and Yoon measured the change in phase of a microwave signal sent through the graphene.

Astronomers map space’s icy wastes

In space, ice forms by building up a ‘frost-like’ layer on dust grains at a temperature of -263 degrees Celsius. The layer...

NASA Launches Earth Science Challenges with OpenNEX Cloud Data

NASA satellite data incorporated into OpenNEX include global views of drought conditions. Green...

Titan's Building Blocks Might Pre-date Saturn

New research on the nitrogen in Titan's atmosphere indicates that the moon's raw materials might have...

The Submillimeter Array: Celebrating a Decade of Discovery


One step to solar-cell efficiency: Rice University researchers’ chemical process may improve manufacturing

Rice University scientists have reduced to one step the process to turn silicon wafers into the black silicon used in solar cells. The...

Time to think big: a call for a giant space telescope

An artist’s concept of the ATLAST telescope under construction in space. This...

Changing Composition of Nanofibers Results in Treatment of Scars, Deep Wound
