
NASA Spacecraft Observes Further Evidence of Dry Ice Gullies on Mars

This pair of images covers one of the hundreds of sites on Mars where researchers have repeatedly used the High...

Even geckos can lose their grip

Thin film in contact with an uneven surface

'Nano-pixels' promise thin, flexible, high resolution displays

Oxford University technology can draw images 70 micrometers across, each image is smaller than the width of a human hair. The researchers...

NASA MESSENGER and STEREO Measurements Open New Window Into High- Energy Processes on the Sun

A solar flare erupted on the far side of the sun on June 4, 2011, and sent solar neutrons out...

VLT Clears Up Dusty Mystery

A group of astronomers has been able to follow stardust being made in real time — during the aftermath of a supernova explosion....

Using Sand to Improve Battery Performance: Researchers develop low cost, environmentally friendly way to produce sand-based lithium ion batteries that outperform standard by three times

Schematic showing how sand is turned into pure nano-silicon.

New Discovery in Living Cell Signaling

This gif of membrane-anchored Ras (red) and SOS molecules (green) shows individual...

With 'ribbons' of graphene, width matters: A narrow enough ribbon will transform a high-performance conductor into a semiconductor

Yaoyi Li (foreground) and Mingxing Chen, UWM physics postdoctoral researchers, display an image of a ribbon of graphene 1 nanometer wide....