
Production of Electrochemical Biosensor Sensitive to Hydrogen Peroxide in Iran


Orbiter Completes Maneuver to Prepare for Comet Flyby

NASA's Mars Odyssey spacecraft passes above Mars' south pole in this artist's concept illustration.

Rosetta Arrives at Target Comet

Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko by Rosetta's OSIRIS narrow-angle camera on August 3, 2014, from a distance...

“Active” surfaces control what’s on them: Researchers develop treated surfaces that can actively control how fluids or particles move

Diagram shows the droplet on the ferrofluid impregnated surface. The oil-based solution keeps the droplet from being pinned to the surface...

NASA's Hubble Finds Supernova Star System Linked to Potential 'Zombie Star'


LEDs made from ‘wonder material’ perovskite: Colourful LEDs made from a material known as perovskite could lead to LED displays which are both cheaper and easier to manufacture in future


Light-induced nanocarriers switch on improved gene therapy

A newly developed, light-induced nanocarrier for targeted gene therapy has been trialled by researchers in Japan. The three-layered micelle...

NASA Mars Curiosity Rover: Two Years and Counting on Red Planet

This image from the Navigation Camera on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows wheel tracks printed by the rover as it drove...