A Spectacular Landscape of Star Formation
This image, captured by the Wide Field Imager at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile, shows two dramatic star formation regions...
Ozone-Depleting Compound Persists, NASA Research Shows
Satellites observed the largest ozone...
Graphene rubber bands could stretch limits of current healthcare, new research finds
NGOs call for debate on how to put science at the heart of EU politics
Scientist analysing water samples at Greenpeace research laboratories.
Laser makes microscopes way cooler: Cooling a nanowire probe with a laser could lead to substantial improvements in the sensitivity of atomic force probe microscopes
Ph.D. students Giovanni Guccione (left) and Harry Slatyer examine their gold coated nanowire probe in the Quantum Optics Laboratory at the...
Curiosity Mars Rover Prepares for Fourth Rock Drilling
In this image from NASA's Curiosity Mars rover looking up the ramp at the northeastern end of "Hidden Valley," a pale...
As Seen by Rosetta: Comet Surface Variations
Image of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko shows the diversity of surface structures on the comet's nucleus.
China To Industrialize Moon; Realize Promise of Thermonuclear Fusion
While the economy of the United States stands at the verge of collapse, hobbling along under the dead weight of the London-Wall Street money system, China is on a trajectory upward, propelled by its orientation toward an "American System"-style,...