Fast and accurate 3-D imaging technique to track optically trapped particles

This picture shows the concept image of tweezing an optically trapped glass bead on the cellular membrane of a white blood cell.
Nature: Low-reflection wings make butterflies nearly invisible: Irregular nanostructures on the transparent wing of the glasswing butterfly prevent the reflection of light -- publication in Nature Communications -- researchers plan applications

Contrary to other transparent surfaces, the wings of the glasswing butterfly (Greta Oto) hardly reflect any light. Lenses or displays of...
Surface matters: Huge reduction of heat conduction observed in flat silicon channels

The different circles represent the studied surfaces of the Si membranes: crystalline, rough, flat with native SiO2, and rough with native...
Nanoparticles Used to Improve Mechanical, Thermal Properties of Cellulose Fibers
OECD calls for common principles for developing and communicating scientific advice
Governments would benefit from agreeing common principles for developing and communicating scientific advice, both in crisis situations and for long-term policymaking, according to a new OECD report. In light of recent controversies around science...
New class of 3D-printed aerogels improve energy storage

Lawrence Livermore researchers have made graphene aerogel microlattices with an engineered architecture via a 3D printing technique known...
From metal to insulator and back again

This is a view of the localized electrons in the unusual insulating state of Li under pressure, courtesy of Russell Hemley and Ivan Naumov...
Nanocoatings Reduce Skin Inflammation Caused by Implants in Body