
New tabletop detector 'sees' single electrons: Magnet-based setup may help detect the elusive mass of neutrinos

A three-dimensional interpretation of "event zero." The frequency increases slowly as the electron loses energy, ending in the first of six...

Ethylene Nanosorbent, a Novel Product to Decrease Agricultural Waste


Better battery imaging paves way for renewable energy future

Chemical phase map shows how the electrochemical discharge of iron fluoride microwires proceeded from 0 percent discharge (left), to 50...

Quantum model reveals surface structure of water: National Physical Laboratory, IBM and Edinburgh University have used a new quantum model to reveal the molecular structure of water's liquid surface

This shows the heterogeneous electronic density created by the diverse molecular orientations at the liquid-vapor interface of water.

How to maximize the superconducting critical temperature in a molecular superconductor: International team led by Tohoku University opens new route for discovering high Tc superconductors

The fullerene molecules consist of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a truncated icosahedral shape (a soccer ball) and pack in a regular cubic-...

New Biological Nano-Fertilizers Presented in Iran as Appropriate Replacements for Chemical Fertilizers


Newly-Developed Nanocatalysts Increase Performance of Fuel Cells


Lanthanide-Organic Framework Nanothermometers Prepared by Spray-Drying
