
New sensing tech could help detect diseases, fraudulent art, chemical weapons

The technology (depicted above) consists of a thin film of silver or aluminum that acts as a mirror, and a dielectric layer of silica or...

Thin coating on condensers could make power plants more efficient: Graphene layer one atom thick could quadruple rate of condensation heat transfer in generating plants

An uncoated copper condenser tube (top left) is shown next to a similar tube coated with graphene (top right). When exposed to water vapor...

Researchers synthesize magnetic nanoparticles that could offer alternative to rare Earth magnets

A transmission electron microscope image of the newly synthesized CoFe2C rods that contain an assembly of nanoparticles.

Donuts, math, and superdense teleportation of quantum information

In superdense teleportation of quantum information, Alice (near) selects a particular set of states to send to Bob (far), using the...

OSU researchers prove magnetism can control heat, sound: Team leverages OSC services to help confirm, interpret experimental findings

A team led by Ohio State's Wolfgang Windl, Ph.D., used OSC's Oakley Cluster to calculate acoustic phonon movement within an indium-...

Production of Copper Cobaltite Nanocomposites with Photocatalytic Properties in Iran


Controlled Release of Anticorrosive Materials in Spot by Nanocarriers


DNA Double Helix Does Double Duty in Assembling Arrays of Nanoparticles: Synthetic pieces of biological molecule form framework and glue for making nanoparticle clusters and arrays

Scientists built octahedrons using ropelike structures made of bundles of DNA double-helix molecules to form the frames (a). Single strands...