
Cheap Method to Measure Medications in Contaminated Water


Moving sector walls on the nano scale

Strontium manganite is a multiferroic, here present in a thin crystal layer. This magnified image shows the individual domains, which are...

Silica Nanoparticles Applied in Production of Drug Nanocarriers


World's smallest spirals could guard against identity theft

This is a scanning electron microscope image of a single Archimedean nanospiral.

Graphene: the wonder material of the 21st century

Bendable and transparent smart phones, lighter air planes... All this and much more could soon become reality thanks to graphene. On 2 June, MEPs discussed with experts the potential of using the wonder material in various sectors, from electronics to...

How natural channel proteins move in artificial membranes

Natural channel proteins move sideways in a thick artificial membrane that condenses around the channel proteins.

QLEDs meet wearable devices: Korean scientists develop ultra-thin deformable QLEDs in the wearable platform


Chemical Solutions Replaced with Herbal Extracts in Synthesis of Gold Nanoparticles
