FOWPAL Fosters a Culture of Conscience in Peru

Love of the World Cultural Goodwill Group Visits César Vallejo University, Spreading Message of Love, Peace, and Conscience


At the invitation of Dr. César Acuña, governor of La Libertad and founder of César Vallejo University in Peru, Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) and leader of Tai Ji Men, led the Love of the World Cultural Goodwill Group to conduct a cultural exchange at the university on October 18, 2024.

Dr. César Acuña, founder of César Vallejo University in Peru, left, is presented with the FOWPAL Peace Bell Award by Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, for making higher education more accessible to underprivileged communities.

Dr. Acuña, who first met Dr. Hong at the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in Yucatan, Mexico, in 2019, graciously invited Dr. Hong to visit his university. On October 18, as a gesture of respect, Dr. Acuña sent Dr. Walter Zavaleta to personally escort Dr. Hong from his hotel. When the FOWPAL delegation reached the university, they were warmly welcomed by both faculty and students. Dr. Walter and university representatives gave the delegation an enthusiastic tour of the campus, with students offering warm greetings at every stop.

Dr. César Acuña rings the Bell of World Peace and Love. He stated that he wished for peace to reach all hearts, for a world in harmony, and a better world for the youth.

The cultural exchange took place in a packed auditorium. Dr. Hong delivered a keynote address, titled “Conscience as the Guide: Hope for Sustainable Peace,” to an audience of educators and students. A video presentation featured FOWPAL’s self-funded journey of over 20 years, visiting 113 countries to promote a culture of love, peace, and conscience. He stated that through interactions with people of various races, languages, and cultures, they have realized that "the key to the shared destiny of over 8.1 billion people on Earth lies in ‘love and conscience.’”

Dr. César Acuña, founder of César Vallejo University in Peru, left, and Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, endorse the Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze emphasized in his speech, "Love is something we feel deeply in our hearts, and it teaches us selfless compassion. Conscience, emerging from the depths of the human soul, helps us transcend the blind spots and limitations of knowledge, guiding us to distinguish between truth and falsehood, right and wrong, good and bad. Each day, take a moment to calm your mind, encourage yourself, and ask whether you are truly happy. Reflect on how you can correct today’s mistakes, and strive to make tomorrow even better.”

Dr. Jeannette Tantalean, left, rector of the César Vallejo University, is presented with a Compass Clock of Conscience by Dr. Hong.

Additionally, Dr. Hong encouraged everyone to “take another moment to quietly pray for blessings for our shared home, the Earth. When each person acts with kindness each day, and education instills the power of knowledge to shape correct values, we can give back to society and our country, benefiting all of humanity. In this way, the world will be renewed with positive, bright energy."

Dr. César Acuña, founder of César Vallejo University in Peru, left, and Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of FOWPAL, hold hands to symbolize their friendship and continued promotion of love, peace, and conscience worldwide.

FOWPAL shared a video documenting its recent journeys between September 18 and October 15, 2024, where the delegation engaged in cultural exchanges and hosted bell-ringing ceremonies for peace in Mexico, New York, Ecuador, Colombia, Suriname, and Guyana. Among the notable figures who rang FOWPAL’s Bell of World Peace and Love during these visits were Surinamese President Chandrikapersad Santokhi and Guyana’s President Mohamed Irfaan Ali, along with ministers and other high-ranking officials.

The Love of the World Cultural Goodwill Group presents the graceful Tai Ji Men Silk Umbrella Dance. The continuously rotating silk umbrellas symbolize the ongoing commitment to following one's conscience and spreading positive energy to bring blessings to the world.

At César Vallejo University, Dr. Hong presided over a bell-ringing ceremony, where Dr. Acuña rang the Bell of World Peace and Love and stated that he wished for peace to reach all hearts, for a world in harmony, and a better world for the youth.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, third row, center, and delegates of FOWPAL and Tai Ji Men pose for a group photo with representatives of the university.

Dr. Hong presented the “Key to the Heart” to Dr. Acuña, symbolizing that a "key person" is capable of influencing the world’s destiny through his positive impact. Dr. Acuña was also presented with the FOWPAL Peace Bell Award by Dr. Hong for making higher education more accessible to underprivileged communities.

As of October 18, 2024, a total of 599 influential leaders from 152 countries, including 74 heads of state and government and 15 Nobel Peace Prize laureates, have rung the Bell of World Peace and Love, spreading the light of peace across the globe.

FOWPAL shared the Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope with the audience, which Dr. Acuña and Dr. Hong jointly endorsed. Attendees were encouraged to do the same, with many students using their phones to endorse the Declaration online.

The Declaration calls on everyone to act with conscience and harness the power of hope for the safety and sustainable development of individuals, communities, and the world. It expresses a collective prayer for an end to wars, the conclusion of the pandemic, global safety, and peace, with all things flourishing together, so that the positive energy of the universe can guide the Earth toward a sustainable future.

The event showcased a dynamic martial arts performance by FOWPAL, the elegant Tai Ji Men Silk Umbrella Dance, and an inspiring rendition of the song "We Can Change the World." The room buzzed with positive energy, and attendees responded with enthusiasm, waving their hands in unison with FOWPAL members' singing, transforming the atmosphere into one of pure joy and harmony.

During the event, Dr. Hong presented Dr. Acuña with a Certificate of Appreciation for Cultural Exchange and Dr. Jeannette Tantalean, the university's rector, with a Compass Clock of Conscience, expressing gratitude for the exchange opportunity and the thoughtful arrangements made by the university.

Brenda Noblecilla Saavedra, a professor at the School of Administration at César Vallejo University in Lima, attended the event and praised Dr. Hong for his initiative to promote peace and hope, especially in today's turbulent world. She shared that the participating students were deeply moved and excited, adding that it was uplifting to know there are people who truly care about such important issues.

Andrea Hernandez, an English interpreter for the event, noted that FOWPAL’s presentation encouraged both students and teachers to reflect deeply on their souls, hearts, and, most importantly, their conscience. She stated that Dr. Hong’s message underscored peace and love as the ultimate solutions to the challenges people encounter.

Lorena Villalobos, another English interpreter, expressed her admiration for the entire FOWPAL presentation, especially Dr. Hong's message to the students. She said his words helped them better understand the love and peace within themselves, inspiring them to follow their own path and make a positive impact on the world.

Throughout the event, the students demonstrated sincerity, enthusiasm, and courtesy, making a strong impression on the FOWPAL delegation. The next day, Dr. Hong presented Dr. Acuña with the FOWPAL Peace Bell Award in recognition of his remarkable efforts to expand access to higher education in Peru. His significant contributions have opened doors for underprivileged communities, benefiting countless students and promoting equality, diversity, inclusion, and innovation within academia.

After the award presentation, Dr. Acuña stated that Dr. Hong is a remarkable individual, and recognized that peace is not the achievement of a single person but rather the collective effort of countless people. He expressed deep gratitude to Dr. Hong, feeling certain that divine providence had brought them together to continue their shared mission of fostering peace in the world.