Sweden Introduces New Parental Leave Law: Grandparents Also Eligible for Benefits


On July 1st, the Nordic country of Sweden introduced an innovative bill that has garnered global admiration from parents. This bill allows grandparents to apply for up to three months of paid "grandparental leave" while taking care of grandchildren under the age of one.

Under Sweden's current laws, after the birth of each child, parents are entitled to up to 480 days (about 16 months) of parental leave. Of these, 390 days of parental leave are paid based on the parent's current full salary, and the remaining 90 days are subsidized by the government with a fixed daily allowance of 180 Swedish kronor (approximately 482 New Taiwan dollars). Additionally, to ensure parents are sufficiently involved in childcare, 180 days of the parental leave (90 days per parent) cannot be transferred to the spouse.

According to the new bill, starting from July 1st, families with newborns can transfer part of their paid parental leave to grandparents. Specifically, each parent can transfer up to 45 days of parental leave to the grandparents, while single-parent families can directly transfer up to 90 days of leave.