First Debate of U.S. Presidential Election: Poll Results Show Trump Defeats Biden


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The first televised debate of the 2024 U.S. presidential election concluded on the 27th. According to a survey commissioned by CNN, Donald Trump received approval from 67% of voters, while 33% thought the current president, Joe Biden, performed better.

The debate lasted 90 minutes. After it ended, CNN conducted a survey via text message of 565 registered voters from before the debate. The results showed that 57% had no confidence in Biden's leadership abilities, compared to 44% for Trump. These figures were not significantly different from pre-debate polls, which showed 55% lacked confidence in Biden and 47% in Trump.

This poll only reflects the views of voters registered before the debate, with a sampling error of approximately ±5.5 percentage points, and cannot represent the opinions of all voters. Political analysts stated that the two candidates participating in the debate were merely performing for their supporters. They did not change voters' opinions, and overall, there was no winner in this debate.