NBA Owner Gifts Graduates $1000 Each at University Ceremony


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The University of Massachusetts in Massachusetts held its graduation ceremony on the 16th of May, inviting NBA Celtics owner Robert Hale Jr. to be the keynote speaker. During his speech, he unexpectedly announced to the over 1,100 graduates present that as long as they adhere to “one condition”, each of them could receive $1000, the sum of the momey totaling over $1.1 million .

According to CBS, the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth held its graduation ceremony on May 16 and invited Robert Hale Jr., founder and CEO of Granite Telecommunications and a billionaire, to be the keynote speaker. During his speech, he suddenly announced that the over 1,100 graduates present could immediately receive $1,000 in cash as long as they agreed to "one condition," which was to "share."

Hale pointed out that in these difficult times, what society needs is sharing, caring, and giving back. "At this time, our community needs you and your generosity more than ever," he said. He stated that as long as the students promised to share $500 of the money with someone who needs it more than themselves, each person could immediately receive $1,000 in cash.

Hale's generous gift at the graduation ceremony surprised and delighted the graduates. However, this isn't the first time Hale has employed his "money education" tactics. Last year, he also gave the same amount of graduation money to over 2,500 graduates at UMass Boston, and in 2021, he did the same for 230 graduates at Quincy College.

Hale founded Granite Telecommunications in 2002, headquartered in Quincy, Massachusetts, USA, with business operations covering the US and Canada. According to Forbes magazine's estimates, Hale's net worth is $5.4 billion , ranking him 572nd on the global billionaire list. He has donated over $270 million for cancer research, educational institutions, and other charitable purposes.