Spreading Love in Europe with Conscience and the Power of Hope: Pope Francis and Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze’s Historic Meeting


Spreading Love in Europe with Conscience and the Power of Hope: Pope Francis and Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze’s Historic Meeting

Peace is a universal aspiration, yet the world continues to grapple with conflicts and wars. Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, the zhang-men-ren (head) of Tai Ji Men and president of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL), shared a profound insight with Pope Benedict XVI in 2005: “No love, no peace. Peace needs love and love needs to be balanced.” This wisdom resonates deeply with Prof. Massimo Introvigne, a renowned Italian sociologist of religion, who strongly supports Dr. Hong’s vision and played a key role in facilitating a meeting between Dr. Hong and Pope Francis.

From May 7 to 15, 2024, the Tai Ji Men Cultural Goodwill Group, carrying the Bell of World Peace and Love, visited Italy and the Vatican. They traveled to five major cities—Castellina Marittima, Pisa, Turin, Milan, and Rome—engaging with leaders from cultural, political, and religious sectors to promote the values of conscience, love, and peace. During these visits, leaders from various fields were invited to ring the Bell and make wishes for peace.

Pope Francis presented Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze with an official medal for the eleventh year of the pope’s pontificate.

The Cultural Goodwill Group also advocated for the endorsement of three significant declarations: the Declaration of International Day of Conscience, the Declaration of World Prayer Day, and the Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope, all of which have garnered widespread recognition and support. In honor of his exceptional contributions to world peace, Dr. Hong was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award and the 2024 Turin Global Peace Award.

The Historic Meeting Between Pope Francis and the Head of Tai Ji Men

On May 15, during his general audience in St. Peter's Square, Pope Francis delivered a catechesis on the theological virtue of charity. He prayed for refugees affected by recent natural disasters and urged the international community to provide immediate aid and support. Tens of thousands of pilgrims in the square witnessed a historic meeting between two global advocates for love and peace: Pope Francis and Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, president of the Federation of World Peace and Love (FOWPAL) and head of Tai Ji Men. Dr. Hong shared FOWPAL's global efforts in promoting the International Day of Conscience and presented the Pope with three insightful books: "Conscience: The Wellspring of Wisdom," "The History of International Day of Conscience," and "Back to Origin." Additionally, Dr. Hong offered meaningful gifts, including a scroll of "Love of the World, A Declaration of Peace," the "Tai Ji Men Celestial Drum," a commemorative silver coin for Dr. Hong’s 80th birthday, and the “Key to the Heart.”

Pope Francis honored Dr. Hong with an official medal commemorating the 11th year of his pontificate (2024), engraved with the Latin phrase “SIMVL INVENIENDAE SVNT PACIS SEMITAE,” meaning “the peace path to be found together.” Before the pope’s departure, the Tai Ji Men Cultural Goodwill Group joined in singing "Love of the World," spreading blessings to all. The Catholic News Agency (CNA) captured the moment Tai Ji Men members waved the flags of An Era of Conscience while the Pope responded with a wave. Dr. Hong also rang the Bell of World Peace and Love to pray for global peace in St. Peter’s Square.

Dr. Hong rings the Bell of World Peace and Love to pray for the world in front of St. Peter's Basilica.

Marco Respinti, Director-in-Charge of “Bitter Winter” magazine, remarked that May 15 was a very special day. He believes that St. Peter's Square is not only the center of Christianity but also the center of the world. On this day, the Pope spoke about charity, which Respinti feels aligns perfectly with the teachings of Dr. Hong and the mission of Tai Ji Men and FOWPAL. He noted that the Pope can easily understand the message Dr. Hong wants to convey to the world. Respinti added, “If there is one man who can do something for that with the heart, mind, actions, that is the Pope. It was very important for Dr. Hong to be here, very important for the Pope to meet Dr. Hong. To some extent, it's just reciprocal.”

Prof. Massimo Introvigne said that Dr. Hong is welcomed in many historical places in Italy. Dr. Hong received the 2024 Turin Global Peace Award from the FEDINSIEME (Faiths Together) Committee at the Turin International Book Fair in Italy. Prof. Introvigne encouraged Tai Ji Men dizi (apprentices) to continue working for peace, love and conscience.

Ringing the Bell of World Peace and Love from Italy to the Vatican

The Bell of World Peace and Love symbolizes the power of love and action for the world. When a bell ringer makes a wish for love and peace, the auspicious sound of the Bell spreads across the universe. During their trip, Dr. Hong led the Cultural Goodwill Group to hold bell ringing ceremonies in important Italian cities. They also shared the concepts of the three important declarations and promoted signature campaigns, which resonated with a wide range of people.

On May 9, Pisa Mayor Michele Conti and the City’s Secretary for Culture Filippo Bedini rang the Bell at the Pisa City Hall, which holds profound cultural and historical significance, and they signed the “Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope” together with Dr. Hong.

Mayor Conti said that Pisa is a city with a profound history and culture, and that promoting peace around the world is of great importance. He shared his feelings after ringing the Bell, stating that even though people have different cultures, peace is a universal consensus. He presented Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze with a commemorative book and a gift bearing the city emblem of Pisa. The book introduces the culture and history of this city, which spans thousands of years.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, right, is honored with the 2024 Turin Global Peace Award.

Filippo Bedini emphasized that peace should not be taken for granted and must be actively maintained. He called for the continued promotion of the importance of peace, even in countries that have not experienced war, such as Italy. He hopes that the Federation of World Peace and Love can continue to deliver and inspire such messages of peace around the world.

On May 10, the Cultural Goodwill Group visited the Turin City Council. Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze met with Domenico Garcea, vice president of the Turin City Council, to share the concept of love and peace. Domenico Garcea rang the Bell of World Peace and Love and signed the “Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope,” calling on the world to unite and work for love and peace.

Domenico Garcea expressed his honor at having the opportunity to ring the Bell, noting that traditionally, the Bell symbolizes conscience and the inner voice of each person, guiding people on what they should and should not do. Ringing the Bell is a beautiful experience, he said, hoping that influential figures in politics and culture worldwide will follow suit, and that the Bell will ring out in every corner of the globe.

On May 13, Dr. Hong visited the Lombardy region, which includes Milan. Attilio Fontana, the president of Lombardy, rang the Bell of World Peace and Love and signed the “Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope” to encourage collective efforts in changing the world. He emphasized the need for love and peace during these challenging times and expressed his gratitude to FOWPAL and its members for their dedication to promoting world peace and love.

On May 14, the Cultural Goodwill Group visited the Italian Parliament and invited Senator Lucio Malan, the leader of the Italian Senate Majority, to ring the Bell of World Peace and Love. After ringing the Bell, Senator Malan remarked that the ceremony was both touching and meaningful. In a time when war is ravaging countries, fostering peace in people's hearts is essential for bringing harmony to countless families, nations, and the world. After watching a performance titled “Children from Heaven” by the Cultural Goodwill Group, he praised it as highly inspiring and noted that the song was deeply moving.

Senator Malan endorsed the “Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope” and emphasized the importance of starting with oneself to uphold life principles. He advocated for mutual understanding and fostering harmony within families, among friends, and even between individuals in different positions.

Mayor Alessandro Giari of Castellana Marittima, first from left, presented the Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze.

To date, 552 distinguished leaders from 147 countries, including 71 heads of state and government and nine Nobel Peace Prize laureates, have rung the bell and made wishes for peace. The Cultural Goodwill Group aspires to inspire more people to take action for peace through its ongoing efforts to promote global harmony.

Fostering a Culture of Peace with Love and Conscience: Dr. Hong Honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award

On May 8, the Cultural Goodwill Group visited Castellina Marittima for a cultural exchange. Tai Ji Men dizi brought their kind wishes and peaceful energy to Italy and the world through a cultural performance that blended Taoist wisdom with modern martial arts and the arts. The group also shared declarations such as the "Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope," inviting people to endorse it and garner the collective power of hope to infuse the world with good intentions and positive thoughts. The cultural association CreAzione, which had organized the event with the sponsorship of the local municipality, honored Dr. Hong with a Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was presented by Mayor Alessandro Giari on behalf of the Association.

Mayor Giari extended a warm welcome to Dr. Hong and expressed that the conflicts in Ukraine and Israel have left even deeper wounds than the numerous wars throughout the world. Dr. Hong and the Cultural Goodwill Group made a significant and valuable contribution to his city. Promoting peace, peaceful coexistence, and the integration of diverse peoples—values that hold universal significance—is crucial, especially for young people. He praised the group for its beautiful cultural performances and its ability to beautifully unite the sentiments of different communities, fostering a sense of unity. In a world desperately in need of peace, he hopes that the spirit embodied by the group will become widespread and deeply rooted in cultures worldwide.

Italian Senator Lucio Malan rings the Bell of World Peace and Love, becoming the 552nd bell ringer globally.

Dr. Hong emphasized that culture has its own vitality and influence, noting that through cultural exchanges, people can convey messages of love, warmth, and hope. He highlighted that cultural exchange allows individuals to transcend barriers of nationality, race, language, and religion, fostering global friendships and promoting a culture of conscience with love and peace for all living beings on Earth. In recognition of "World Day of the Power of Hope" on September 23, Dr. Hong calls on people everywhere to act with conscience and harness the power of hope for the safety and sustainable development of themselves, others, and the world, allowing positive energy to guide the planet towards sustainable progress

Hannelore Jurgens Aloisio, a lady residing in Italy, praised the Cultural Goodwill Group for a wonderful and moving performance. “It wasn’t just entertainment; it conveyed a powerful message of peace and love.” Despite her age, she remains hopeful and has faith that the younger generation can bring positive change to the world.

Globally Celebrated Peace Visionary: Dr. Hong Honored with the 2024 Turin Global Peace Award

Turin, Italy's third-largest city, is particularly well known for hosting Europe's major annual cultural events. The Turin International Book Fair, held from May 9 to 13, 2024, at Lingotto Fiere, drew over 222,000 attendees and brought together leading figures from the cultural landscape around the world, spanning literature, philosophy, science, art, journalism, religion, and even cinema and music. Additionally, over a thousand associated events were hosted in dozens of venues throughout Turin.

Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze, the zhang-men-ren (head) of Tai Ji Men and president of FOWPAL, right, and Attilio Fontana, president of Lombardy, endorsed the “Declaration of World Day of the Power of Hope,” encouraging the public to work together to change the world.

One of the Turin International Book Fair’s official programs was co-organized by the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) and FEDINSIEME (Faiths Together). During this event, Attorney Francesco Curto, President of Fedinsieme, presented the 2024 Turin Global Peace Award to Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze. This award recognized Dr. Hong for his outstanding contribution to the promotion of world peace and his firm hope that justice and peace will ultimately prevail. Over the past five decades, Dr. Hong has visited more than 300 cities across over 100 countries, tirelessly working to foster dialogue, carry out cultural exchanges in various forms, and propagate a culture of love, peace, and conscience.

In his remarks, Attorney Curto stated that this meeting was convened to celebrate and highlight the many positive elements in the world and to recognize individuals with deep spiritual gifts and a commitment to fostering good relationships. As a result, they established a candidate evaluation committee.

Prof. Massimo Introvigne, founder of the Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR) in Italy, mentioned that Dr. Hong, Tao-Tze founded the Tai Ji Men Qigong Academy and the Federation of World Peace and Love to promote a culture of love and peace worldwide. Dr. Hong was also instrumental in the United Nations’ designation of April 5th as the International Day of Conscience.

Tai Ji Men delivered the energy of love and peace with a cultural feast combining martial arts and arts. After the event, all performers and honored guests took a group photo together.

Dr. Hong highlighted in his speech, “The United Nations designated April 5th as the International Day of Conscience in 2019, urging everyone to act according to their conscience and build a harmonious and sustainable world. Since 2014, FOWPAL has initiated the Movement of An Era of Conscience and launched the "Declaration of International Day of Conscience" at the United Nations in New York in 2019. As an advocate for the International Day of Conscience, I have also been promoting conscience education and fostering a culture of peace through FOWPAL's global actions. This year, there is a proactive effort to advocate for relevant issues through the "World Day of Power of Hope" at the United Nations, hoping that people around the world can take conscience-driven benevolent actions with sincerity and amplify the power of hope. The conscience-driven benevolent actions of global citizens have the power to influence the course of the world.”

Maria Gabriella Mieli, director of external relations for the Universal Peace Federation, expressed her appreciation for Dr. Hong's speech and her delight that he received such an important award. She also mentioned her intention to incorporate Dr. Hong's speech into their magazine to promote good practices for achieving peace. Regarding the International Day of Conscience, she emphasized that it is crucial for humanity to understand that even if people do not belong to any specific religion, everyone has a spirituality, and the direct way to connect with one's spirituality is through one's conscience.