Kenya Dam Collapse: At Least 45 Dead, 200,000 Affected by 6 Weeks of Continuous Heavy Rains


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According to media reports, Kenya has recently experienced continuous heavy rains for six weeks, resulting in a serious disaster caused by the collapse of a dam. Here are the details of the event:

April 30, 2024,the Old Kijabe Dam, located in the Rift Valley region of western Kenya, collapsed due to flooding. A large amount of mud, rocks, and uprooted trees flowed into the community with the overflowing floodwaters, destroying houses and submerging a busy highway. At least 45 people have died, dozens are missing, and houses in multiple areas across the country have been inundated, affecting over 200,000 people.

The Kenyan Red Cross reports that 109 people are hospitalized, and 49 others are missing. Nairobi International Airport has also been flooded, leading to the cancellation or diversion of some flights.

Kenya's neighboring countries, Tanzania and Burundi, have also been affected. Tanzania has reported 155 fatalities due to flooding. The unique highland gorge environment in East Africa makes the region susceptible to flash floods triggered by heavy rainfall. Kenya has lost over 100 lives to floods since November 2023 and is currently facing a major flood crisis.

This disaster has had a significant impact on residents in Kenya and neighboring countries, and the government and relief agencies are working tirelessly to provide assistance and rescue efforts.