Nearly 600 Arrested in U.S. Campuses Amid Pro-Palestine Demonstrations


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As the Israeli-Palestinian conflict continues, the death toll in Gaza continues to rise. Across more than 50 U.S. campuses, student protests in support of Palestine have erupted, including at Ivy League schools such as Harvard, Yale, and Columbia University. At least 600 people have been arrested during these campus demonstrations.

Student groups are demanding that universities divest from companies profiting from the conflict. The protests began at Columbia University on April 18 and have since spread from the East Coast to the West Coast. Some schools have canceled graduation ceremonies or shifted to online classes due to safety concerns. For instance, the University of Southern California (USC) saw nearly 100 arrests during a protest. Humboldt State University in Northern California even announced the closure of its campus until the end of the semester.

While some universities have cleared protest camps, law enforcement agencies have arrested demonstrators at various locations. In response to the protests, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has condemned them as "anti-Semitism" and called for more action to stop such behavior.

The issue has sparked widespread attention and discussion on American campuses, with both supporters and critics expressing their views.